Get to Know
Aequalis Disability Services
Aequalis Disability Services is a mobile service, whom provides a vast range of support across the Sydney Metropolitan area to help participants of the NDIS develop pro-social connections with their community.
Aequalis Disability Services was established after many years of experience in the Disability and Community Services industry, providing a vast range of support for people of all ages and abilities. Aequalis’s difference within the industry is an emphasis on building strong, yet professional, relationships. Support workers and participants are matched together so that they share common interests and demographics.
Aequalis provides categorised services, however we understand that participants often benefit most from personalised, tailored support, which is often a flexible combination of categories.
Aequalis support workers are skilled and well-trained in specialised fields, who have familiarity with people of all ages and abilities. Support workers also continually refresh skills and knowledge, in order to provide quality service. The Aequalis team is culturally and linguistically diverse and provides gender and age appropriate support to link the best qualified support workers to each participant to ensure positive, personal goals are achieved with
peace of mind.
We focus on your
Quality of Support
Aequalis support workers are skilled and well trained in specialised fields, and have familiarity with people of all ages and abilities. Support workers also continually refresh skills and knowledge, in order to provide a high quality service.
Where possible, Aequalis ensures the same group of workers maintain support throughout the duration of services. This encourages positive relationships, and peace of mind from participants and their families/carers.
Review Assistance
Aequalis wants to make your NDIS plan review an easier process. Every 3 months you are given an Engagement Report, outlining progress towards goals. Aequalis will also provide a yearly report to support the renewal of your NDIS plan.
To submit a referral for services, please email:
Aequalis charges as per the NDIS Price Guide – TTP Provider rates.
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